Saturday, December 19, 2009

Round One: Up to Speed

As we close out the year in which Splashdown Books was conceived and came into being, I am reminded of the proverb that says: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step." That step has been taken this year, and a few more besides, for which I am grateful. Fred Warren, the first author to come on board, has been great to work with as we prepared and released his first novel, The Muse. We had great fun discussing back and forth on the cover design and promotional materials, as well as the video trailers. The release went as smoothly as we could hope for - and everything came out right!

Losing my Dad in mid-year was a hard blow and took a good three months out of my time. One of my day jobs was reduced from fixed hours to (occasional) contract basis. Being turned out by my landlord has eaten up several weeks, too. But that's life I guess. Let's hope for better in the future.

What's next for Splashdown? I've got a number of great manuscripts in serious consideration, and have begun discussing publication with their authors. There' everything from superheroes to high fantasy in the possibilities. Fred is also hard at work on various new projects. And then, at long last, there's finally time to work at my own novels - you might see one or two of those during the year to come.

And so it has begun. Everything is set up and running; it's only a question of my time and how many books I can prepare and publish. The sky's the limit!


  1. After reading "The Muse," looks to me like this is one publishing house whose products are going to be lurking on my bookshelves.

  2. It is wonderful to watch your dreams flourish. Have a wonderful New Year!
